Friday, December 24, 2010

Jordan Celebrates the Big 8 in a Big Way

Where does the time go?  I remember the day that he was born as if it was just yesterday.  I remember being so anxious to meet him.  Would he have hair?  Would his eyes be light brown like mine?  Finally, after an eventful labor (I'll spare you the details), I remember thinking that my new baby boy was perfect in every way!

He was and still is a joy to have!  His infancy was easy, with the exception of his sleeping as lightly as a cat in a room full of rockers.  Toddlerhood was great, skipping right past the terrible two with hardly an outburst!  He patiently accepted the addition of his sister to our family and team.  Jordan was mommy's little boy!  Fast forward to third grade and almost eight years old.  I'm no longer the focal point of this kid's existence.  He's constantly talking about Sean S., Taj and Max.... sheesh!

Last month, Jordan dropped the bomb!  Birthday with just Team Flete was no longer enough!  Jordan wanted to invite his inner circle of friends over for a birthday sleepover.  Worse yet, his father, sister, nor I were invited to stay!  I admit, I felt woosy at the thought of cutting apron strings, but realized that I could no longer be the absolute center of his existence.  It was finally time for me to acknowledge that this member of Team Flete was spreading his wings.  

Team Flete had a caucus and the decision was made to have an 8th birthday sleepover.  It was agreed upon that Julia would not be allowed to hang out with the boys in the "man cave" (basement) and that the parental units would only provide support services like food, drink, and snack set up.  Jordan would be allowed to choose five guests.

Team Flete has always been of the mindset that televisions and video games are non-essential items and we have only one television and literally go weeks between viewings.  We have never had video games, but for this birthday event, my husband and I decided to make an exception to our no-video-game rule and purchase a Wii video game!

The date of the sleepover had finally arrived and the guests began arriving.  The house was alive with laughter!  The boys got along famously and the Wii was a hit!  Every kid showed up with their own Wii controller, who knew that little boys travel with Wii controllers and games regularly!?!!  Jordan's birthday celebration was a right of passage of sorts for Team Flete and thankfully it was smooth transition for us all.  Jordan is growing from a baby into a young man.  How proud I am of his interactions with his friends and the realization that he and his friends get along well and are kind and fair to each other.  This was a learning experience for Team Flete.  Friends invited into the sanctuary and the ability to nurture healthy friendships make us a stronger team. 
Happy 8th birthday Jordan!  Many thanks to his friends who shared his special day with him!  Huge HSA3 marshmallow cheer for Jordan, Tyler, Taj, Sean P., and Sa'vion.  Mama Glo loves you all!       

1 comment:

  1. Seems like a fun-tabulous time was had by all. The junior members of Team Flete apparently had a follow up caucus with Sir Taj on Wednesday. They informed me that my apartment will be the site for the next sleepover. Test run in January for Taj's birthday in February. Lucky me!
