Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Senate votes to lift the cap!

The state Senate voted 45-15, Monday, in favor of lifting the cap on the number of public charter schools statewide! There's just one more hurdle folks. The Assembly has to vote to pass the bill and then it's on Paterson's desk. No worries there... Paterson is a supporter! The bill, however, faces a dismal fate in the Assembly, where Speaker Sheldon Silver and the teacher's union oppose the measure.

The passing of this bill will boost New York's chances of winning federal Race to The Top funding. The Race to the Top Fund provides competitive grants to encourage and reward States that are creating the conditions for education innovation and reform. Delaware and Tennessee won the first Race to the Top this March, winning $100 million and $500 million respectively over the next four years. Kudos to them!

New York was eliminated due to the requirement of state legislative action related to Charter schools (raising the cap) and opposition of Charter schools by teacher's unions. New York lost out on $700 million in education dollars, much needed in the midst of our current fiscal crisis. Hopefully we are now on the right track as Phase 2 applications are due on June 1, 2010.

A good education is the only guaranteed ticket to success! Keep the pressure on your local politicians. They need to hear from us! Education reform NOW or else your reelection is in peril!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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