Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cathie Black: Monstrous Gaffe or Rye Sense of Humor?

Cathie Black made a joke regarding birth control as a method of alleviating school overcrowding in lower Manhattan during a downtown Manhattan taskforce meeting.  This comment was met with anger by most siting her brash manner and lack of educational experience.  I however am unsure if this "joke", albeit poor in timing, is enough to drag her over the coals and lead her immediately to the guillotine.  I'm less concerned about her words and more concerned about her actions... talk is cheap!  Let's be sensible, put down the torches and see how she actually manages the issue of school overcrowding.  It is never wise to jump on a band wagon when it's en route to a lynching, political or otherwise.  

See the video below courtesy of the Wall Street Journal and weigh in on the comment section of this blog.  Put on your thinking caps folks and let's have a civil discussion.  

1 comment:

  1. Touche. Great arguments. Keep up the good effort.

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