Dearest Self,
Here we find you again, second
guessing your competency. This is really
getting kind of tiresome. I’m really
going to need you to put on your listening cap.
You’re an independent, single mom, single-handedly taking care
of an entire household! The universe
knows that you are stretched thin making sure every member of your pack is
physically fed, financially supported, emotionally bolstered and spiritually
nourished. At the end of every day you
are fatigued, overwhelmed and feeling lonely.
Given all you are required to do by yourself it’s no wonder. Even though you may not currently have a partner
supporting your efforts and keeping you warm in his arms at night, your work
and selfless acts are not going unnoticed.
You probably don’t see it, but God is working in your favor!
While there are a million
players, users and abusers, the Lord is preparing you to be ready for a great
man who is RIGHT NOW looking for all the redeemable qualities you possess. He is willing to accept all your greatness as
well as all of your flaws. This man will
not be the one trying to “holla” at you in the club. He will not be the man who will try to
strong-arm you into a commitment, because he believes he is God’s gift to all
women and you are the most recently identified conquest at hand. He will not be the one who can’t maintain eye
contact, because he’s too mesmerized by the swell of your breasts or the shelf
of your behind. He will not be the dude
who pretends to be genuine… perched-up at your crib, grinning at you while trying
to sweetly wheedle his way into your panties after a few dates. He will not have unresolved steamer trunk
baggage with “baby mamas”, ex-wives and other random straggling women, women with
broken hearts brimming with unfulfilled promises made by him to ease the
transition into a relationship for his comfort with no intention of ever
developing into anything more permanent.
This man will be God driven, hardworking,
respectful, and appreciative of what you bring to the table. He will be a provider. He will be a great role model and step father
to your kids. He will embrace all of you, always keeping in mind that
you and your children are not
individually acquired but are a package deal.
Girl, just keep being the great
woman you are! Quit looking! Remain focused and keep presenting yourself
with class, never settling for less than you deserve. Remain patient and keep doing the great job
you are doing with your multitude of responsibilities in preparation for this Way
Beyond Z man to find you in God’s time.
The Universe
“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favor from the
Proverbs 18:22